Begin Tai Chi
Join me on the Tai Chi journey

Find your flow
Discover the Gifts of Tai Chi
As a mindful approach to improve balance, posture and body mechanics,
I have been teaching tai chi basic moves to my physical therapy patients for over 2 decades.
I hold tai chi instructor certifications in evidence-based tai chi programs
proven to decrease fall risk and improve well-being:
Tricia Yu's Tai Chi Fundamentals (TCF) Original Form, Basic Moves and Adapted Short Form
and Dr. Paul Lam's Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention program
I teach Beat Cancer Tai Chi class
at the UW Health Cancer Center at ProHealth Care in Waukesha, WI.
The class is open to all cancer survivors and their buddies.
Register at prohealthcare.org > Classes & Events > Cancer > Beat Cancer Tai Chi
Tai Chi Practice Videos
Tai Chi Practice Videos
Practice beginner tai chi moves with me

Practice Tai Chi Adapted Short From Under the Magnolia Tree
Practice Tai Chi Adapted Short Form